By the rise of diversity and inclusion awareness in media, big conferences offer Diversity and Inclusion Programs including travel and accommodation costs to its visitor to increase opportunities for diverse backgrounds.
Here is a list of conferences you can apply to attend as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Program.

1- Craft Conference 7-10 May 2019 Budapest, Hungary
Craft is an inclusive and professional conference about software craftship, presenting which tools, methods and practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company. This event is serving as a compass on new technologies and trends where you can learn from top-notch international practitioners in our community.
Application deadline: April 10, 2019
Apply Here
2- JSUnconf 2019 13-14 April 2019 Hamburg, Germany
Java Script Unconference
Application deadline: March 11, 2019
Apply Here
3- ACCU Conference 9-13 April 2019 , Bristol, UK
ACCU is a membership organisation for people involved in software creation. The members are interested in programming, programming languages, testing, the tools of developing software, the process of developing software, and all related things. The tag line for the organisation is Professionalism in Programming.
Application deadline: March 16, 2019
Apply Here