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Brussels' 8th WISE Event by Centre for Balanced Leadership

On May 10 th 2019, the 8th WISE Event will take place in Brussels. This yearly event, hosted by the Centre for Balanced Leadership, is the main networking event of the WISE business community (Women in ICT Sharing Experiences) and is open to all women who work in an ICT-company or who have an ICT position.


For almost ten years, the WISE business community brings together women of different backgrounds, nationalities, companies and levels of seniority and experience to celebrate their ‘feminine digital drive’. WISE stimulates a balanced way of networking which entails a transparent and approachable way of sharing experiences (giving) as well as focussing on business development and other professional targets (taking).

8th WISE Event by Centre for Balanced Leadership will take place on May 10th in Brussels


The WISE Event kicks off with a highly interactive Connect, Share & Learn Session facilitated by experts of the Centre for Balanced Leadership. The speakers who will take the stage during the event share some interesting insights that could be inspiring or enlightening for other women who are rolling out their career in the ICT-sector. These real/role models are relatable women of all ages with experiences in both the private and the public sector, who do not hesitate to share the good and the bad that they have

encountered in their career so far. During the day there is plenty of time for networking, with ‘Leading Ladies’ at every table who will happily make sure every WISE-woman gets the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. The exchange of experiences between participants of all levels of seniority allows for personal development and gain of professional insights during the event. ‘Companies with a heart for female talent’ are asked to partner with the WISE Event, showcasing their support for female talent within their company.


Date: May 10th Friday 2019

Venue: SKOJ Holiday Inn Hotel in Diegem, Brussels

Speakers: Katrien De Graeve, Irene Veldstra, Céline Pfister, Helena Van Roy, Sanne Vermeiren

Registration: Link

For more information about the Centre for Balanced Leadership, visit

Karen Vanherck obtained an interuniversity master’s degree in Gender and Diversity at five universities in Belgium. She specialised in gender as a ground of structural inequality in an economic context, and more specifically within organizational cultures. At the Centre for Balanced Leadership, Karen is D&I Communications Manager, empowering companies to build diverse and inclusive cultures in order to accelerate performance. She also supports the WISE (Women in ICT Sharing Experiences) and WISH (Women in Science and Healthcare) business communities.

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