SIETAR Ireland is to host Climate Change and Culture meetup on Wednesday April 24.

Climate change is an imminent existential threat to humanity. While time has almost run out to act there is still time to save ourselves and the planet. But how?
What we do in any sphere of human activity is shaped by culture. So, what aspects of culture could help us to act correctly? What aspects are a barrier to action?
In this highly interactive session, we will explore how culture and fixing climate change are related and what cultural changes we need to make to avoid the worst outcomes of climate change.
The discussion will be facilitated by SIETAR Ireland Advisor, Joe Kearns. A former engineer and IT director, Joe evolved into an intercultural trainer after being inspired by the SIETAR Congress in Sofia in 2007 and in 2008 founded the Intercultural training company Carmine Training.
Joe is particularly interested in the role of culture in business, sport, migration and technology and has presented regularly at SIETAR Congresses. Having had several roles in SIETAR Europa he is currently leading the Special Interest Group on Migration.
Date: Wednesday April 24th 17:30- 19:00
Venue: Bank of Ireland, Trinity Branch,Dublin 2.
Cost: FREE
Registration: Link
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