A one-day conference and workshop featuring scholars from across the university, highlighting key DCU research relating to the SDG’s and promoting future cross faculty collaboration.
DCU is actively developing its commitment to the furtherance of the sustainable development goals and already has considerable expertise in this regard. We believe that this important and exciting work is worthy of a platform to incentivise and encourage further work, share the valuable insights generated by DCU researchers, and enhance the impact of the university’s work output.
Furthermore, given the nature of academic work and life, and the extraordinary recent growth in the size and scope of the university, staff campus-wide may be pursuing relevant research projects or teaching but lack awareness that their work has links with the SDG’s. As a result, they may not know the relevance their work has in mapping to the university agenda on sustainability and the SDG’s
This event will allow each of the 17 SDG goals to be highlighted and discussed by a member of DCU academic staff who is internationally recognised within this topic. Each invited speaker will providing an overview of their selected SGD topic, its relevance and their related work - pitched to inspire thought about links to academic teaching and research. Each expert has 12 minutes to discuss their goal.
A key facet of the event proposed is a concurrent pedagogical focus. Collaborating with the Teaching Enhancement unit, we aim to have a concurrent T&L drop-in clinic during the event. This will provide tips and ideas for staff to embed elements of the SDG’s into their teaching. Some examples of courses which have already implemented an SDG focus will be showcased using a display of student projects in the venue.
In addition, to foster key relationships with partners, we plan to invite members from the external NGO and sustainability community to the event. It is hoped that through this intersection of academic staff and the wider community, opportunity to consider related research studies and student projects can be made possible.
Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 09:30 – 15:30 IST
Venue: Gallery, 2nd Floor, The Helix, DCU
Cost: FREE
Registration: Link
Provisional Schedule:
9.30-9.50am Introductions and launch
9.50-10.45am SDG's 1-4
10.50-11.15 Tea Break
11.15-1pm SDG's 5-11
1-2pm Lunch and Cross-discipline networking lunch. Guests will have the opportunity to discuss relevant projects and research projects. Student Project display relating to the SDG's.
2-3.10pm SDG's 12-16
3.10-3.30pm SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goals - Delivered by Prof. Brian MacCraith, DCU President
3.30pm Close
Key Speakers:
GOAL 1: No Poverty (Dr. Deiric O'Broin)
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger (Prof. Anne Matthews)
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being (Prof. Anthony Staines)
GOAL 4: Quality Education (Dr. Charlotte Holland)
GOAL 5: Gender Equality (Prof. Maura McAdam)
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (Prof. Fiona Regan)
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy (Dr. James Carton)
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (Prof. Edgar Morgenroth)
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Prof. Alan Smeaton)
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality (Dr. Maeve O’Brien)
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (Prof. Caroline McMullen)
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (Prof. Barry McMullen)
GOAL 13: Climate Action (Dr. Diarmuid Torney)
GOAL 14: Life Below Water (Prof. Christine Loscher)
GOAL 15: Life on Land (Dr. Blanaid White)
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions (Dr. Rob Gillanders)
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal (Prof. Brian MacCraith)
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