With 89% male leadership in the Irish creative sector, the Institute of Designers
in Ireland is launching its second annual WhyDesign campaign on International Women’s Day, 8 March. The event will take place at No 22 South Anne Street, Dublin 2, and aims to highlight the need for better gender balance in Irish design sector.

An initiative of Kim MacKenzie-Doyle, President Emeritus of the Institute of Designers in Ireland and recent winner of the Creative Leader award at the Irish Women’s Awards, WhyDesign 2019 will host two internationally acclaimed designers for a discussion around gender balance in the creative industries: Natasha Jen Partner from Pentagram New York, the world’s largest independent design consultancy, and Thierry Brunfaut, co-founder of Base Design in Brussels New York & Geneva. Today the Irish design sector is 25% Female to 75% Male (Policy Framework, 2016).
WhyDesign believes this ratio is simply not good enough. WhyDesign has taken a two-pronged approach to addressing the gender imbalance in the design industry in Ireland. The event on March 8th is aimed at men and women currently working in the design sector in Ireland, to impress upon them the benefits of balanced teams.
WhyDesign is also WhyDesign.ie, a website specifically aimed at secondary school girls and their parents. The site gives practical information on design courses available at third level in Ireland and showcases some of Ireland’s leading female design success stories. The 2019 campaign profiles Lorna Ross Design Director, Fjord/Accenture, Lara Hanlon Designer in Residence, IBM and Ali Grehan Dublin City Architect, DCC.
Date: 8th March 2019 Friday, 2019 6-9pm
Venue: No 22 South Anne Street, Dublin 2
Natasha Jen, Partner in Pentagram New York
Thierry Brunfaut, Co-Founder of Base Design
Price: €16.87 – €32.88
Registration: Link