#diversity #inclusion #diversein #facebook #sherylsandberg #leanin #leaninIreland #womeninleadership

Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg attended to Lean In Ireland event yesterday at Core Media Dublin. The fireside chat was chaired by Nuala Murphy the Founder and CEO of Moment Health Ltd. The event was full house with over 250 women and men, many Lean in Belfast members traveled from North. At the end of the event, CEO of Core Alan Cox also mentioned about their diversity and inclusion programs and improvements in place.
Here are some keynotes from Sheryl Sandberg:
Women must support, help other women to grow more women in leadership. Lean in started circles to help senior women managers to mentor other women in 170+ countries including Ireland.
Ambitious women at work are often perceived as aggressive and bossy while ambitious men seemed as leaders.
Message for men: If you want to be nice to a woman, don't buy flowers, do the laundry.
Many women underestimate their abilities and don't nominate themselves for higher positions.
Final advice: Don't give up !

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