SheUps, a go-to platform that allows female entrepreneurs to access specific resources that they need when building and running their businesses successfully, launched with a fantastic webinar yesterday.
The webinar included very inspirational entrepreneurs, mentors and founders, Claire McHugh, CEO at Axonista, Leyla Karaha, Founder of Social Entrepreneurs, Máirín Murray, founder of Digital Doddle, Techfoundher and Tech4good, Sophie Benoit, co-founder of What The Hack. The speakers talked about why supporting female tech entrepreneurs is important, how their founding journeys were and what they would do differently after years of experiences.
Behind this inspirational platform there is a very successful software engineer Nicaise Ishimwe, who have extensive experiences in the area in the last 10 years in large international tech companies like Amazon. She is also Ireland Chapter Lead for Women in Tech Africa and Women in Tech Ambassador in Diversein.