Startup Week Dublin powered by Dublin City Council brings entrepreneurs, local leaders, and friends together over five days to build momentum and opportunity around our community’s unique entrepreneurial and innovative identity. It will is a celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation in Dublin City showcasing events from our community organisers and key stakeholders in venues that we know and love in Dublin.

The open call is now live and you can get involved in the following ways:
Event Organiser: If you already organise an event in the community or have an idea of an event you would like to organise click here to sign up.
Venue Partner: If you run a co-working space or have an event space in your company or university and would like to host a Startup Week Dublin event please click here to sign up.
Event Volunteer: If you would like to help the organising team and track captains before or during the Startup Week at Town Halls, Base Camp or at the other events then please click here to sign up.
If you would like to register your interest to attend please click HERE and use the Get Notified button on the home page.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered on this site please click HERE to contact our team.
Join in a celebration of our second year led by entrepreneurs, innovators and hosted in the spaces you love this OCTOBER 21ST - 25TH 2019
For more information: Visit
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