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What do Women Want in the Workplace? [Infographic]

We had a roundtable discussion to understand what women of Ireland want in an ideal workplace. In this discussion, 75% of participants were from different ethnic and racial backgrounds while the rest were Irish. Each woman works in different sectors, however primarily on professional services.

The result of our survey shows that the flexibility of their jobs is vital for their job satisfaction. The reason for the flexibility requirement differs depending on each case. Likewise, other researches also prove that, 9-5 jobs are not as desirable as flexible jobs for Millenials. (Reference article: The future of jobs won’t be about 9-to-5 office hours, as power shifts to millennial leaders)

Our survey also indicated the importance and need for nap time as 75% of the participants would like to see a nap or rest room in their workplace. Siesta is a cultural norm for some countries where some of the participants were originally from. It is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Another person who supports this idea is Arianna Huffington, founder of Huffington Post. She has become an advocate for sleep revolution in recent years and she claims that afternoon naps will boost productivity at work. (Reference article: Arianna: Office Nap Rooms Will Soon Be As Common As Conference Rooms)

75% stated that celebrating their birthdays in the workplace is a way to socialise with their colleagues and they are open to the idea. On the other hand, 25% think completely the opposite. They don't like to be in the centre of attention. All parties agreed that celebrations of a special occasion shouldn't be an obligation and their opinion should be asked before an unwanted surprise.

While they are a number of discussions about reasons why workplaces suffer from gender imbalance and lack of women in leadership globally, 88% of the participants experienced working in an environment where their career development was hindered by a manager or a colleague. As a result, 14% brought the issue to higher managers, 14% resigned without securing another job, 71% remained silent and resigned after securing another job.

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