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Zendesk Calls For All Women in STEM

Zendesk Women in Engineering team invites all women and men in STEM to join its engineering event on April 9th at Zendesk EMEA HQ, Dublin.

In this series of talks and a panel discussion, Zendesk engineers will go through Zendesk's engineering process with the visitors. The talks also will touch into building things in Zendesk as well as striving to craft an inclusive and diverse environment.

"The event is a great opportunity to know how we work in Zendesk. We'll talk about how we build our products, with a talk and then with a panel discussion. The public will be involved with open questions and attendees will be able to join the conversation. People at the event will get a real sense of the environment and the Zendesk culture, especially around topics such as Diversity and Inclusion." says Elisa Coluccia, Engineering Manager at Zendesk Dublin


6.00 - Event starts: get some food and drinks with all the attendees of the Zendesk engineering summit!

6.30 - Opening: Shawna Wolverton, our Senior President of Product, will open the event.

6.35 - The beautifully simple engineering process Zendesk presented by Women in Engineering. The speakers will describe our we build our product and features, from the idea to the implementation, keeping the focus on the quality.

07.10 - After this brief talk, with guests from every career level, we will converse about the strengths and pain-points of our process and how diversity and inclusion play a meaningful role in this.

Are you curious to know how things happen at Zendesk from inside? Come along and ask your questions, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

08.00 Networking time: you can meet the speakers, the panelists and all the engineers and management attending the event, including the SVP of Engineering, Soren Abildgaard, and his staff.

Keynote Speakers

Caroline Kello, Product Manager

Jenny Gillet, Product Manager

Jill Guyonnet, Software Engineer

Natasha Cole, Software Engineer

Patricia Bermudez, Test Software Engineer

Guiomar Vista, Test Software Engineer

Panel Speakers

Heather Wells, VP of Software Engineering

Thaciana Lima, Software Engineer

Cristina Amico,Software Engineer,

Lumi Birnicu, Senior Software Engineer

Pierre-Alain Bouchard, Director of Engineering

Date: Tue, April 9, 2019 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM IST

Venue: Zendesk EMEA HQ 55 Charlemont Place D02 F985 Dublin

Registration: Link

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